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Find the health plan that’s right for you

Quality care. Affordable options. Coverage you can count on. 

Individual + family plans

We design our coverage to work for you. Choose your doctors. Make sure your prescriptions are covered. Find a plan to fit your budget.

  • Copay, HSA-compatible, and catastrophic plans
  • National and local provider networks
  • A nationwide pharmacy network
  • Wellness resources to support your health

Medicare plans

We make it easy to enroll in a Medicare plan. Find out more in a free online workshop or by speaking with a Medica consultant. 

  • Domestic travel coverage
  • A network of national pharmacies
  • Free fitness memberships
  • Vision and hearing benefits
  • Part D drug coverage options

Medicaid plans

We offer medical plans for low-income Minnesota residents. They feature benefits to support your health, well-being, and independence.

  • No-cost Medicaid plans
  • Plans for people under age 65 with a disability
  • Plans for people 65 and older eligible for Medicaid

Employer-Provided plans 

Our goals are simple: Help you get the most out of your health care benefits — and help you make the right choice.
  • Select and compare plans, side-by-side
  • Identify in-network doctors and providers